Masterclass for Elementor: Build Stunning Websites with WordPress

Two years ago I did another Workshop in WordCamp Singapore, back in 2017, where I have shown our audience how to built website with Elementor very easily. That time Elementor was in its infancy, now its a community of nearly 3 million users. And the entire eco-system has grown so much.

In this Masterclass, I will start with a very basic setup but will go into details on how you could create a dynamic website in Elementor. Easy to follow process to create an entire WooCommerce site in Elementor. Do you need to use Elementor for not just landing page, how about a membership site or an eLearning Platform? You could create all of those in Elementor, and I will show you easily.

I will also share the most useful resources for Elementor, where you could find free templates, how you could start developing for Elementor. How you could work with Gutenberg side-by-side with Elementor.

If you don’t know Elementor this will introduce you to, and even if you already using Elementor, this will make you a Pro! As an official Elementor Leader, I will also share how to connect with this community and get the best out of it. And take your WordPress site-building skill to Ultimate Level!
