Getting started with Modern WordPress Local Development

Modern WordPress Local Development could consist at least those key elements.

  1. Ability to use latest or multiple version of PHP
  2. WP-CLI built-in
  3. Ability to use & test SSL locally
  4. Latest LAMP and/or LEMP(Apache/NGINX) stack and ability to use SSH
  5. Git built-in
  6. Easy to use DB Tool support like Sequel Pro
  7. And if local setup shuts down by accident, the db wont crash!
  8. Does not put too much strain on local computer.

Considering all of this I will show solution like Local By Flywheel. I will specially focus on WP-CLI, and how to get started with setup ready to test WordPress nightly version. I will also talk about very common solution like VVV as well.

I will also show how to make setup ready for core contribution as well.


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